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Podcasts with Uncle Heavy

Podcasts with Uncle Heavy - RE20 & 45s

Back in 2007, I broke the seal and bought my first 45 rpm record. I blinked, turned around, and realized that my Brooklyn living room was filled with boxes of old, crackly soul and R&B records, yellowed label sleeves, and clouds of toxic dust. Clearly, the only way to mitigate the chaos was to assume the identity of DJ Uncle Heavy, descend upon any local bar savvy enough to own a set of turntables, and share all the killer tunes with the people.

Time passed; records accrued. Just before Valentine’s Day of 2012, I was asked for the 275,423rd time, “With a voice like that, have you ever considered doing radio?” Suddenly, the clouds parted, a lone beam of sun shone down, and yea, did a raspy, funky voice utter but one word: "PODCAST." Sheer epiphany. And so, the semi-regularly-issued series of Podcasts with Uncle Heavy was born. Have at ‘em. Enjoy. And come back for more.

Right-click and choose "Save Link As..." to download - or just click to listen!